

How to Read Nutrition Labels & Ingredient Lists

In the course of my supplement blogs, I had received questions on how exactly to read nutrition labels and ingredient lists, a very important conundrum in the quest to overall health. This blog will aim to walk through the basics of nutrition labels, as well as talk through some ingredients that are often confusing on the overall ingredient list. I am hopeful that this blog will help people become more informed when entering a grocery store - it is important to know WHAT you are putting in your body, and what the hell is Xantham Gum, really?

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Nutrition Label

What the Heck are BCAAs?

Oh yeah. You know you have looked up BCAAs before if you have ever tried workout supplements. You might have fallen into one of two camps: (1) You wondered WHY they are all the rage OR (2) you have absolutely SWORN BY THEM. [Or, maybe you are the random person who wonders if they count towards your water allotment for the day like I do… or is that just me alone in that third camp?] Anyway, let’s dive in.

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Starting Whole30

I am a cliché when it comes to New Years’ Resolutions. I started Whole30 like a lot of other people out there... Because I feel like a glob of regret after the holidays. I have some advice on what helped me successfully get started with it and not feel incredibly overwhelmed by the change. If you are interested in Whole30, this might save you a lot of time and stress. I even attached the grocery list I used! For the record, I am in no way affiliated with Whole30. These are just my opinions and recommendations from personal experience.

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Whole 30