Project ME Blog

Self-Care Tips

Do You Schedule Fun?

Scheduled fun is something people often forget about when they think about changing their lives. 

When you are a workaholic, addicted to achievements type of person - you don’t always think scheduling FUN as something you would need.
 This means you make time for things you find fun the same way you make time for showering, walking your dogs, feeding your kids. You raise FUN to that level of importance.

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Self-Care Tips

Start Saying YES to YOU!

Start saying yes to you! Let's talk boundaries and what that means because it is REALLY important to self-care and burning out. 
We can NEVER fully realize our desires when we keep denying what we want for others. I am saying yes to me not no to others.

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Self-Care Tips

Do You REALLY Not Have Time For Yourself?

The number one thing I hear from busy bees is that they have no time. But get real with yourself: do you REALLY not have 10 minutes for yourself? Many don’t have balanced days - they have FRANTIC DAYS. We have to reposition ourselves into the action seat and get back our lives. Therefore, how can you ensure you fuel up throughout the day and have energy? How can you make sure you are balanced? PERIODIC SELF CARE CHECK INS. Therefore, you HAVE TO FIND TIME FOR YOURSELF.

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Self-Care Tips

Do you Know When to Stop?

The problem for over achievers is not knowing when to stop. The never ending dilemma of am I pushing myself too hard or am I in need of a push. I often struggle with this dilemma of showing up when you don’t want to versus pushing yourself too hard. Success can be achieved with rest and showing up when you don’t want to refers to limiting beliefs not actual need for rest!

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Self-Care Tips

Healthy Competition Vs. Unhealthy Competition

Competition is a love/hate thing for me… being competitive has gotten me a long way. However, competition, if toxic, is detrimental to your self-care and also can lead to burnout, things I tend to like to talk about. You will get NOWHERE if you spend all your time trying to “keep up with everyone else” and “beat other people.” It can help you in a short term goal, but in the long run it will burn you out. It ultimately always brings out the worst in you.

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Self-Care Tips

The Power of Your Mind

Your mind can really be a real jerk. In the last 3 years of my transformation I went from being very stuck in my head and burned out to the present where I am grounded, have control over my thoughts and I enjoy my life and job. What changed for me in the past three years was how I thought about all those things. My roadblock to happiness was my own damn mind. That is why it is important to start reframing and believing you can do things.

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Self-Care Tips

How to Overcome Perfectionism

We all know how pesky perfectionism can really be - it consumes our minds and our schedules, draining both our mental health and our productivity. Worse than the drain is the fact that literally no one cares as much about what you are doing as you do; yet, we spend all this time trying to ensure we are perfect to everyone else. Why? Through this blog, I walk through how to overcome the time-suck that is perfectionism so that you can reclaim your life, schedule, and mental health. Rather than be a perfectionist, why not be an actionist? A get-it-done person? A productiveist? I will walk through some steps to overcome perfectionism in this blog. Let’s ditch perfectionism because it honestly is a big ol’ waste of time.

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Self-Care Tips

Why You Should Stop Being a Perfectionist

Most people wear perfectionism as a badge of honor like it makes them a better person and fit into society more if they label themselves that way. In my opinion, that is the farthest thing from where you should want to be. Perfectionism may sound great, but it actually holds you back a lot more than helps you.

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Self-Care Tips

Are You A Perfectionist?

Before we can know what to fix in our worlds, we have to check-in with ourselves on what we are and are not. I know that everyone wants to have this label of perfectionism on them because they feel like it is a badge of honor in today’s society. BUT, let me let you in on a little secret - you probably do not want to be a perfectionist if you are reading this blog; you probably recognize how wasteful and stressful it is. Let’s dive into getting to know if you are a perfectionist or not.

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Are You A Perfectionist?
Self-Care Tips

Getting To Know Your Routine

We have made it to the final step in my Self-Savvy Method - your routine! The reason this step is saved for last is because you need to do a whole lotta other things first before you can adjust your routine for the long haul. The main purpose of this blog is to help you implement more of what you love into your routine and remove what you don’t love from your routine. The trick here is to learn all of the elements of a super kickass routine along with various pro tips like habit tracking and paying attention. Let’s get to it.

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