High Achievers have a very unique problem which is this: They constantly chase achievement and goals so that they can be “happy”; yet, they spend no time celebrating those goals once they come, they don’t give themselves credit, and they remain restless at all times in search of the next thing to get them to happiness.
Funny enough: High achievers constantly avoid, run, or “ruin” the thing they really crave – inner peace and quiet and fulfillment. High Achievers are chasing that feeling of
“I have arrived. I am fulfilled. I am amazing.”
YET……. They never get there despite all the bad ass stuff they do.
What is broken?
- Well, what is happening is that the high achiever is seeking the validation from the outside to show them that they are fulfilled. They are chasing proof that they did it right, and they are never seeking that from themselves.
2. This links to number one – the high achiever is also in the pursuit of being externally validated chasing someone else’s dreams most times. It is really hard to be fulfilled when you are doing something for OTHER PEOPLE. You can truly only feel fulfilled when you are chasing your own dreams, and often times those dreams may not be what is “societally acceptable.”
In my own life for example, society would have told me I was CRAZY for leaving my stable fed job and would have said I was CRAZY for wanting to open my coaching business instead. Yet, every day I devote to my coaching I feel like a warrior. Every day I devoted to being an FBI agent, I felt dead inside. Which is more prestigious? Which makes me feel fulfilled? NOT THE SAME THING.
3. High Achievers love working and being busy. Even though they know they need to rest, they LOVE working, and they often work so much they burn out and cannot enjoy the rest they give themselves. Rather than burnout to rest….. REST BEFORE YOU BURNOUT. Actually plan out time to have fun and kick back, and that may not look like other people’s rest. Hell, my rest time is walking my dogs, playing a board game with my fiance, going on a bike ride, going out to dinner with friends, callin my mom. It is not just watching tv or sitting… I am too active for that. BUT do it before you burn out.
How do you get towards where you wanna go?
Well, investing in you. So, this is my shameless plug for my program now.
Coaching is a very unique thing and can be foreign for many who have never done it but it can be life changing for the high achiever.
For starters, my coaching is for high achievers who kick ass and take names but want to save more time and stop wasting time on overwhelm, perfectionism, people pleasing, and boundary issues around low self-esteem.
I am looking for the overwhelmed high achiever. Likely, this person is still doing a lot though they feel slightly burnt out. They are just over feeling so overwhelmed and exhausted despite how much they are putting out there to improve themselves. The people I work with often come to me as people who like to examine themselves and improve themselves. So, if you are someone who really wants to grow and change, my coaching is for you. Coaching can be looked at like an accountability buddy and support system in helping you get your life in order. Coaching is NOT counseling.

I am looking for the overwhelmed high achiever. Likely, this person is still doing a lot though they feel slightly burnt out. They are just over feeling so overwhelmed and exhausted despite how much they are putting out there to improve themselves. The people I work with often come to me as people who like to examine themselves and improve themselves. So, if you are someone who really wants to grow and change, my coaching is for you. Coaching can be looked at like an accountability buddy and support system in helping you get your life in order. Coaching is NOT counseling.
My coaching is NOT for those who are struggling severely with mental health issues and concerns. Yes, many high achievers have anxiety. BUT they have done the work on the serious concerns with their mental health. They are at a point where they are simply looking to level up and get more structured, organized, and happy.
Coaching is different and very amazing for high achievers because there is that direct connection to the coach and that feeling of accountability and accomplishment from knocking back goals but goals that are focused on YOU.
Okay so with that cleared up, here is what you will get in my coaching program.

For one, I structure it based on the person’s needs; so, you can buy bundles of sessions with me that add up to about a 2-month program; a 4 month program; or a 6 month program (6 sessions; 9 sessions; or 12 sessions).
With that structure, your first call is always 90 minutes long to goal set and set the stage. The next set of sessions depending on what you prefer for the length of us working together will start in one of three areas depending on what you come in with: Productivity and Routines, Self-care, or Self-acceptance and self-understanding.
I do not specify which order I do these in because it depends on your concern. If you come in desperate for a better routine, we start there. If you come in desperate for self-acceptance, we start there. We will cover all the buckets, but start at the point you need me to start at. The sessions can be booked weekly if you feel that helps but often I find that people use their sessions bimonthly and do well with that structure because I also offer Voxer (texting) support.
Each call outside the first one is 60 minutes in length.
The big plug for buying a bundle of sessions versus one session is that the solo session is a bit more expensive than the others.
Besides Voxer support you also get access to my client portal (modules and worksheets), a mental fitness assessment, a routine audit, customized homework journal prompts and a morning routine and evening routine, and a personality assessment.
As a result of working with me, you will be transforming from the overwhelmed, stuck in your head high achiever with no time to a flexible, free, and fun high achiever who gets a lot done but has all the time to do the things they love and to have fun without the guilt. My goal is to work with high achievers on this exact issue of feeling lazy, restless, unfulfilled, and burnt out.
At the end of us working together, my hope is that you will be feeling on cloud 9…. Still crushing goals…. But those goals will be more self-focused not so other focused and externally focused. You can still help people, but you have to let go of some of what you are “supposed to do” and dive into what “YOU WANT.”

So, if this sounds amazing to you – check out my Coaching Services page and book a FREE call!